Murrelektronik precautions due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Murrelektronik

maart 26, 2020

Murrelektronik precautions due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In these dramatic and dynamic times, we would like to assure as your long-term partner, that our employees are doing everything in their power to maintain the supply chains and the availability of our products. In addition to a large, well-educated team of experts who are responsible for securing the supply chain on the supplier side, Murrelektronik has introduced the following measures in its plants, among others:

  • The basic hygiene regulations (contact avoidance, hand hygiene, disinfection and the sneezing and coughing label) must be followed
  • Business meetings must take place on digital communication platforms
  • Mobile working has been extended to the maximum
  • External visits at headquarters, plants and branches are forbidden  
  • In the areas of production and logistics, regular shift operation takes place, and between shifts measures for contact avoidance and disinfection are prescribed

Our top priority is the health of our employees and our customers.

Therefore, we must stop personal contact with you, our valued business partners, until further


Of course, your known contact persons in the office and in the field are available for you at any time by telephone (+49 7191 47-0) and e-mail ( without restriction.


Our online shop at is available for you around the clock.


We are following daily developments closely and will keep you informed if the situation changes.


Long-term partnerships are characterized by standing by each other competently and in solidarity in difficult times and finding solutions together.


We wish you and your families all good health!




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