Murrelektronik Austria moves into new office space at Vienna Airport | Murrelektronik

augustus 10, 2023

Murrelektronik Austria moves into new office space at Vienna Airport

A new chapter has begun for automation technology specialist Murrelektronik in Austria as it takes up residence at its new address: “Office Park 4” at Vienna AirportCity. The relocation means that customers and employees alike will benefit from improved infrastructure and outstanding transport links. The open-plan design of the new office space will also help the company put its slogan into practice and “stay connected” through 360 degrees across all activities.

“The move to the new offices represents an important investment in the future. The contemporary, open-plan architecture helps staff in their day-to-day work and makes further improvements possible in customer services, so we can stay on course for further success,” says Andreas Chromy, Managing Director Cluster CEE at Murrelektronik.

The step is an important milestone in the history of Murrelektronik Austria and is the result of a steady growth trajectory that the company has been following since it was established in 2008.


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